New York City to Los Angeles -New Work City, NY is 3974 km from Los Angeles, CA, flight every day there are 194, 305 and 240 flights per week flying nonstop from New York City to Los Angeles. United Airlines has the most nonstop flights 6 flights every day.
Virgin America has the most direct flights from New York City to Los Angeles. San Francisco, CA, United States (SFO Franciko INTL) is a popular stopping for a transit flight between New York City to Los Angeles.
The average flight time for direct flights from New York City to Los Angeles is 6 hours 12 minutes. Most direct flights leave around 9:05 pm EDT. United flight number 797 is the earliest flight (06:00) of New York City to Los Angeles. Los Angeles International Airport is 20 km Los Angeles CA.
The average flight time for direct flights from New York City to Los Angeles is 6 hours 12 minutes. Most direct flights leave around 9:05 pm EDT. United flight number 797 is the earliest flight (06:00) of New York City to Los Angeles. Los Angeles International Airport is 20 km Los Angeles CA.
Currently there are 94 airline operating at Los Angeles Intl Airport offering flights to 175 cities. Each week there is minimum of 20 475 domestic flights and 3,325 international flights departing from New York City to Los Angeles. Some favored airlines that fly to Los Angeles are American Airlines 31%, 26% United Airlines and Southwest Airlines 78%.